
Personalized Home Care Service

Personalized HCS

Personalized Home Care Service

Our personnel are deployed to assist with home care services including but not limited to bathing, grooming, dressing, communicating with, and tending to the wounds (if any) of the patients. This service is usually deployed as a live-in, 24-hour service where our staff resides in the premises for the duration of the contract or as a periodic service where the staff visits daily or on a schedule depending on the severity of the situation.

Our Personalized Home Care Services are expressed in but not limited to the following:

  • General Home Care Service
  • Palliative Care Services
General HCS

General Home Care Service

This service is focused on assisted living especially for senior citizens, physically challenged patients, terminally ill patients, or patients undergoing physical rehabilitation.

Palliative CS

Palliative Care Service

This service is deployed for patients who are in the final stages of life, usually for patients who can no longer carry out any physical activity without assistance. The service is customized to give the patients the best care and pleasant final memories.